An X-ray of the 14 million undocumented migrants in the US: More temporary permits, fewer Mexicans
A report shows that between 2019 and 2023, the unauthorized population grew by three million, or 6% per year. The country had not seen such significant annual increases since the early 2000s

If Donald Trump is to be believed, there are 20 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. If we look at official data, the latest estimates indicate that in 2022 there were 11 million unauthorized foreigners living in the U.S. Experts, however, have always maintained that the figure is higher, although not as high as the president’s unfounded exaggeration. A recent report by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) puts the total at 13.7 million until mid-2023, which coincides with the estimates of other demographers who claim that there are currently about 14 million undocumented people residing in the country. The Republican president has taken advantage of this reality and twisted it to justify his immigration agenda, which includes criminalizing all immigrants, detaining them and deporting them as soon as possible. But who are these people? How did they enter the country? Where do they come from? This is an X-ray of America’s undocumented migrants.