Racism in the Trump era: ‘Don’t speak that shitty Spanish in my country’

The U.S. president has created a new internal enemy, the Latino migrant, who must be identified, pointed out and deported

Feb 16, 2025 - 05:00
Racism in the Trump era: ‘Don’t speak that shitty Spanish in my country’

Donald Trump wants to transform the United States into a resort for white people. On January 20, he became the most powerful man in the world. He is diverting international attention to Gaza, to tariffs that can be removed and replaced, or to the ownership of the Panama Canal, while within his borders he is spreading a drift of xenophobic overtones with recipes from the past that, although he does not attempt to hide them, are blurred in the midst of a deafening noise. Trump and his government are moving forward resolutely in the creation of a new internal enemy for Americans: the Latino migrant, who must be identified, pointed out, and deported.

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Cuban migrant

I'm afraid Donald Trump will deport my best friends and family members.Sign with instructions on immigrant rights in Queens, in a photo taken on February 7.Mariana and her family, in a drawing by her young daughter.Father Vidal Rivas, after the biweekly food distribution.

Honduran migrant

I am afraid - Of being separated from my son - That they might come to my work - That when they arrest me they will chain me up as if I were a criminal or an animal.
-MorenaPamphlets that provide information about resources available to immigrants and educate the community about their rights. These pamphlets are distributed at St. Matthew's Church.Migrant volunteers help Father Vidal unload a truck full of products donated by Food for Justice.

Mexican migrant

I'm afraid of never seeing my family again! -Andrea

Mexican migrant

People do not migrate for pleasure, we do it out of necessity and are always willing to work and contribute to the new society of the country where we enter, but this is not understood by those like Trump who have never been in need, or suffered pain or mistreatment. Trump has grown up with all the privileges and yet, he enjoys putting fear, anxiety and uncertainty to us immigrants. These four years will be like a nightmare. - Rosalba

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Mónica Juárez Martín and Ángel Herdora